WordPress Plugins and Contact Form


This plugin comes from Automattic, and replicates many of the features of WordPress.com sites. These include site stats, an alternative admin toolbar, image carousel, and many more. One addition it provides is the ability to add a ‘contact form’ to posts/pages, shown here:

(There is an important form on the last page of this post.)

2018 Midterm Election Research

p.SmallNote {font-size: 8pt; font-style: italic;}
h2.RedFr, h2.WhiteFr, h2.BlueFr {margin-top: 1em; font-family: sans-serif;}
h2.RedFr {color: #ca5050;}
h2.WhiteFr {color: white;}
h2.BlueFr {color: #506fca;}

As with any election, I think it’s important to do some research on the ballot before voting. This midterm was no exception, and while thinking about your vote there are a few things that are good to keep in mind.
Continue reading 2018 Midterm Election Research



Do not be alarmed, this is a test.

It has been said that “if a myth is made, it is made to measure up to.” The idea of myth as a metric, while interesting, is not wholly relevant to the purpose of this stickied post. However, and what may be more interesting, is that it’s something to think about–and what more could one ask for?

Modified Theme

Chose and modified the “Twenty Fifteen” theme.

Made the following changes:

  • Changed title and tagline.
  • Darkened colors
  • Added “logo” to sidebar
  • Added background image
  • Removed default widgets, replaced with category and tag cloud
  • Added favicon
  • Removed extra pages

Five Themes

Name: “NullPoint”
Title/tagline: both
Default colors: black/white
Header image: none (default)
BG image: none (default)
widgets: footer sidebar (3)

Name: “Twenty Fifteen”
Title/tagline: Twenty Fifteen, The WordPress default theme for 2015.
Default colors: white
Header image: yes
BG image: none (default)
Widgets: menu, “about” text area

Name: “Simplelin”
Title/tagline: Simplelin, timestamp
Default colors: white/blue
Header image: none (default)
BG image: none (default)
Widgets: recent posts, recent comments

Name: “Minamaze Boxed”
Title/tagline: title only (default)
Default colors: white/red
Header image: yes
BG image: none (default)
Widgets: about, parent page/sub-page dropdown

Name: “Blogside”
Title/tagline: both
Default colors: white foreground, gray textured BG
Header image: none (default)
BG image: light gray brick photo texture
Widgets: text “find us” area