Five Themes

Name: “NullPoint”
Title/tagline: both
Default colors: black/white
Header image: none (default)
BG image: none (default)
widgets: footer sidebar (3)

Name: “Twenty Fifteen”
Title/tagline: Twenty Fifteen, The WordPress default theme for 2015.
Default colors: white
Header image: yes
BG image: none (default)
Widgets: menu, “about” text area

Name: “Simplelin”
Title/tagline: Simplelin, timestamp
Default colors: white/blue
Header image: none (default)
BG image: none (default)
Widgets: recent posts, recent comments

Name: “Minamaze Boxed”
Title/tagline: title only (default)
Default colors: white/red
Header image: yes
BG image: none (default)
Widgets: about, parent page/sub-page dropdown

Name: “Blogside”
Title/tagline: both
Default colors: white foreground, gray textured BG
Header image: none (default)
BG image: light gray brick photo texture
Widgets: text “find us” area

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