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Run this C# script to find out more:
public class Program { public static void Main() { string message = ""; string[][] dtba = { new string[] {"i","p","r","a","t","n","o","m","t","o"}, new string[] {"m","o","t","n","i","f","r","a","i","n"} }; for(int x = 0; x <= 9; ++x) { message += JaJoJumbler(dtba, 0, x); for(int y = x; y <= x; ++y) message += JaJoJumbler(dtba, 1, y); } System.Console.WriteLine(message); } public static string JaJoJumbler(string[][] wdar, int num, int pos) { return(wdar[num][pos] + " "); } }