
Welcome to CBCI; powerful multinational and household name in IoT integrated blockchain appliance technology. As heard on TV, "Now even your refrigerator can augment your stock portfolio!"--but we are involved in far more than even the impressive diversity of our subsidiaries' products could make you believe! At CBCI we pride ourselves on the diversification of our revenue stream, and justify this pride with highly-generous donations to multiple charities, funding scientific research and technology entrepeneurs, academic grants, and assisting with political campaigns in countries on every continent. CBCI has a long and storied history; want to learn more? Visit our corporate history page to discover our origins, beginning in a small mining town in the Ohio river valley. To learn about what's in store for the future of CBCI, browse our announcements page, and view our interactive international development map.

Highlighted News

(From Announcements) CBCI has also recently acquired complete or partial ownership of a myriad of luxury brands, such as Rolex and Prada. It's no mystery that CBCI has always treasured CBCI Corporate employees, so it's of no surprise that with these acquisitions all CBCI Corporate employees will be recieving luxurious gifts of their choosing! An internal memo has been dispatched with more detailed information, including a list of select items.

(From Reports) Fiscal year 20XX has been exceptionally profitable for nearly all corporate segments, culminating in a resounding success for the CBCI Public Health Demonstration Grant. However, as was the focus of a recent report and required-reading internal memorandum, some revenue streams have seen a surprisingly sharp and sudden decline.

(From Announcements) Due to the continued generosity of CBCI customers, employees, affiliates, partners, and subsidiaries, for the 12th year in a row we will be able to increase our donation percentages! Just in time for the holiday season, the pledge-quota was met for one of our non-profit affiliate organizations; it was a struggle at times, but with honest CBCI determination the Nolan Oppelmeier Affinity Group volunteers were able to reign it in!